
Hireprosonly.com is firmly committed to the privacy of its members. Hireprosonly.com works hard to earn and keep your trust, so it adheres to the following principles to protect your privacy:

  • com does not rent or sell your personally identifiable information to third parties.
  • com does not share your contact information with other users or third parties without your consent.
  • Any personally identifiable information that you provide to Hireprosonly.com will be secured with industry standard protocols and technology.

Information Collection

Hireprosonly.com is an online marketplace that connects clients with Freelancers. When you visit Hireprosonly.com you provide two types of information: personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected by Hireprosonly.com and website use information collected by Hireprosonly.com as you interact with the Hireprosonly.com website (the “Website”).

When you register with Hireprosonly.com as a Freelancer or as a Client, you provide certain personal information, including, your name, your email address and your address. Additionally, when you establish your profile as a Freelancer or as a Client you will provide information relating to your skills, experience, education level, compensation, work availability, geographic region and self-evaluation. Such information does not identify the specificity of the individual member.

When you enter the Website, Hireprosonly.com collects your IP address. This information is gathered for all Hireprosonly.com visitors. In addition, Hireprosonly.com stores certain information from your browser using “cookies.” A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to information about the user. Hireprosonly.com uses session ID cookies to confirm that users are logged in. These cookies terminate once the user closes the browser. By default, Hireprosonly.com uses a persistent cookie that stores your login ID (but not your password) to make it easier for you to login when you return to the Website. Hireprosonly.com members must have cookies enabled on their browser. Note: Cookie preferences are set within each browser’s Internet options/preferences.  

If you post a information on a bulletin board, or participate in a public message board, you should be aware that any personally identifiable information you choose to provide there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums and could be used to send you unsolicited messages. Hireprosonly.com is not responsible for the personally identifiable information you choose to submit in these forums.

Hireprosonly.com is the sole owner of the information collected through the Website. Modify your cookie settings.

Information Use    

Hireprosonly.com will not sell or rent any collected information to third parties. Hireprosonly.com will not share your contact information with other users or third parties except in connection with possible employment and with your express consent. All registered Hireprosonly.com members click the “I AGREE” checkbox on the registration form to agree to the Hireprosonly.com Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Accordingly, all registered users agree that certain profile information is accessible to other registered users.

Hireprosonly.com records IP addresses for system administration purposes. This information is used to diagnose server problems, monitor traffic patterns, analyze trends, administer the Website, track member user patterns, and identify the most popular areas of the Website to deliver content most relevant to registered members. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information and are only used to gather broad demographic information for aggregate use, except in the case of fraud.

Hireprosonly.com reserves the right to share aggregated demographic information with its partners and/or advertisers, such information will not be linked to personal information that identifies registered users, except in the case of fraud.

About your Information

We want you to be in control of your information, so we have provided you with the following tools:

  • Edit information in your profileat any time, decide whether your profile is available to Hireprosonly search or to search engines.
  • Link or unlink your Hireprosonly accountfrom other services (like Facebook, Google or Linkedin). For some services (like Facebook), you can also decide whether or not to publish your Hireprosonly activity to that service.
  • Delete your account at any time.When you close your account, we will deactivate it, remove your activities from Hireprosonly and delete your account data. However, certain information will continue to reside with Hireprosonly.com even if you close your account as they may be used to support agreements between users, document financial transactions, and in providing protection to other legitimate users of the marketplace. In the case of non-personal data that can be linked with personal data, it will either be erased or otherwise anonymized from the personal data. In addition, we typically will not remove information you posted publicly through or on Hireprosonly.com. Neither you nor Hireprosonly.com can delete all copies of information that has been previously shared with others on the platform.

    Also, if you delete your account on Hireprosonly.com, any associated social data, if present, is also erased immediately.

    If Hireprosonly.com initiates a permanent deletion of your account, any associated social data to the account is erased immediately.

We want you to be aware of your privacy rights.

  • Reviewing your information.Applicable privacy laws may give you the right to review the personal information we keep about you (depending on the jurisdiction, this may be called right of access, right of portability or variations of those terms). You can request a copy of your personal information by putting in such a request to our support team.
  • Updating your information.If you believe that the information we hold about you is inaccurate or that we are no longer entitled to use it and want to request its rectification, deletion or object to its processing, please contact our support.

For your protection and the protection of all of our users, we may ask you to provide proof of identity before we can answer the above requests.

We store data for as long as it is necessary to provide products and services to you and others, including those described above. Information associated with your account will be kept until your account is deleted, unless we no longer need the data to provide products and services.

Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Firebase

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. Google uses the data collected to track and monitor the use of Hireprosonly.com. This data is shared with other Google services. Google may use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. We use Google Analytics tracking to review visitor website activities and information, including page views, source, time spent on our website, demographics, and interests. Additionally, we use the User ID extension for Google Analytics to help associate multiple sessions with a unique ID. The collected information is depersonalized and is displayed as numbers, meaning it cannot be tracked back to individuals. This will help to protect your privacy. Using Google Analytics, we learn how to give you a better visitor experience.

Using Google Ads conversion tracking codes, we can see which web pages help lead to different conversions on Hireprosonly.com. This allows us to better use our paid advertising budget.

We use Google Analytics and Google Ads Remarketing features to log when visitors view specific web pages. This allows us to provide targeted advertising in the future.

  • Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve Hireprosonly.com ads on third-party websites based on past customers’ past visits to Hireprosonly.com.
  • com and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on a user’s past visits to Hireprosonly.com.

We may also collect information when you access our service via a mobile device (“usage data”). When you access our service via a mobile device, this usage data may include information such as the type of mobile device you use, your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of your mobile device, your mobile operating system, the type of mobile browser you use, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data. We collect and use this data in aggregate form to provide and maintain our service, to gather analysis to improve our service, to monitor the usage of our service, and to detect, prevent, and address technical issues.

Opting Out:

Visitors can opt out of cookie tracking on our website by going to the website footer, selecting “Cookie Settings,” and selecting “Reject All.”

Visitors can opt out of Google’s use of cookies by visiting Google Ads Settings.

Visitors can control how Google tracks activity by visiting the My Google Activity page. Additionally, visitors can delete previous Google activity using this page.

Visitors can opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt out page.

Visitors can opt-out of having your activity on Hireprosonly.com available to Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics.

Opt-Out Browser Add-On. The add-on prevents the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js and dc.js) from sharing information with Google Analytics about visits activity.

For more information on the privacy practices of Google, please visit the Google Privacy & Terms web page.

For more information on the privacy practices of Firebase, please visit the Privacy and Security in Firebase web page.


The Website contains links to other websites and is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. Hireprosonly.com encourages its members to read the privacy policies of all websites. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by Hireprosonly.com.


Hireprosonly.com takes industry standard protocols and technology to protect registered user information. Hireprosonly.com is a VeriSign Secure Site. Please click the VeriSign logo at the bottom of any page in the website to view our official VeriSign certificate. All transactions performed through Hireprosonly.com are conducted in a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) session. The Secure Socket Layer encrypts all transaction data for transmittal in a format that prevents data theft. This process protects all private information from being disclosed to third parties. While on a secure page, the lock icon at the bottom of a Web browser (i.e. Firefox or Chrome) becomes locked.

Hireprosonly.com also protects registered user information offline. All registered user information is restricted within our offices. Servers used to store personally identifiable information are housed in a secure, supervised environment. In addition, only Hireprosonly.com employees who need specific information to perform a task are granted access to personally identifiable information.

Mandatory Communications

Hireprosonly.com sends all newly registered users a welcome email to verify their email addresses. At times, Hireprosonly.com sends service announcements to its registered Clients and Freelancers. Registered Users cannot unsubscribe from service announcements that discuss upcoming changes that affect their Hireprosonly.com accounts. In addition, we communicate with registered members via personal emails or phone calls to provide requested services.

Optional Communications

Registered users receive monthly e-newsletters containing information on Hireprosonly.com products, services and announcements. Occasionally, registered users receive e-postcards that highlight special Hireprosonly.com announcements and features. Registered users can opt-out of the above listed communications. Please see our Choice/Opt-out section below.


Upon registration, users can opt-out of Hireprosonly.com’s option communications. Additionally, registered users can, at any time, modify their Hireprosonly.com email (service announcement) preferences by updating their account information.

Notification of Changes

Hireprosonly.com reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If Hireprosonly.com alters its Privacy Policy, it will promptly post all changes in the Client and Freelancer Announcement areas. By continuing to use Hireprosonly.com after changes have been made to this policy, you are consenting to the changes.


Social Login Disclaimer

Social Logins allow for single sign-up using existing information from social networking sites. Hireprosonly.com is approved by Facebook, google+, and LinkedIn for Social Login through making our Privacy Policy publicly available and easily accessible. Our Privacy Policy also gives our users the scope of the data collected and use of that data collected on Hireprosonly.com.

By logging in through Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, or any other Social Login we may accept in the future, you consent to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service as well as the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service of Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and etc. Please review the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for the Social Login you may be using to determine the collection and usage of data per the previously mentioned Social Login services you may be using.

Disclosure of All Financial Transactions on User Profiles Disclaimer

Hireprosonly.com discloses all of the financial transactions on profiles of both the Clients and Freelancers for the benefit of all users. The disclosure of the financial transactions is for the benefit of all users in making intelligent and informed choices in regards to accepting jobs from Clients and hiring Freelancers.